Christopher En

Email: ce2456 [at] columbia [dot] edu


I am a 3rd-year Ph.D. student at Columbia IEOR, where I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Yuri Faenza and Professor Eric Balkanski.

My research interests broadly involve market design, matching, and discrete optimization. In particular, I am interested in developing mathematically fair and provably efficient mechanisms for market settings that bridge the gap between classical models and practical applications. Some current research topics include:

My work is funded in part by a Columbia University Presidential Fellowship, as well as a Cheung-Kong Innovation Doctoral Fellowship.

I obtained an A.B. in Mathematics from Harvard, where I was advised by Professor David Parkes.


(α-β) Authors listed in alphabetical order.

(α-β) Eric Balkanski, Christopher En, and Yuri Faenza

EC 2024

[abstract] [full version]

(α-β) Christopher En and Yuri Faenza

IPCO 2025

Awards and Honors